Steven Lammers, Devon Scott, Kendall Hunter, Wei Tan, Robin Shandas, Kurt R Stenmark: Mechanics and Function of the Pulmonary Vasculature: Implications for Pulmonary Vascular Disease and Right Ventricular Function. Comprehensive Physiology. 01/2012; 2(1):295-319. Steven R Lammers, Phil H Kao, H Jerry Qi, Kendall Hunter, Craig Lanning, Joseph Albietz, Stephen Hofmeister, Robert Mecham, Kurt R Stenmark, Robin Shandas: Changes in the structure-function relationship of elastin and its impact on the proximal pulmonary arterial mechanics of hypertensive calves. AJP Heart and Circulatory Physiology 10/2008; 295(4):H1451-9. Mark Reusser, Kendall S Hunter, Steven R Lammers, Kurt R Stenmark: Validation of a pressure diameter method for determining modulus and strain of collagen engagement for long branches of bovine pulmonary arteries. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 05/2012; 134(5):054501. Lian Tian, Steven R Lammers, Philip H Kao, Joseph A Albietz, Kurt R Stenmark, H Jerry Qi, Robin Shandas, Kendall S Hunter: Impact of residual stretch and remodeling on collagen engagement in healthy and pulmonary hypertensive calf pulmonary arteries at physiological pressures. Annals of biomedical engineering 01/2012; 40(7):1419-33. Lian Tian, Steven R Lammers, Philip H Kao, Mark Reusser, Kurt R Stenmark, Kendall S Hunter, H Jerry Qi, Robin Shandas: Linked opening angle and histological and mechanical aspects of the proximal pulmonary arteries of healthy and pulmonary hypertensive rats and calves. AJP Heart and Circulatory Physiology 08/2011; 301(5):H1810-8. Kendall S Hunter, Steven R Lammers, Robin Shandas: Pulmonary vascular stiffness: measurement, modeling, and implications in normal and hypertensive pulmonary circulations. Comprehensive Physiology. 07/2011; 1(3):1413-35. Philip H Kao, Steven R Lammers, Lian Tian, Kendall Hunter, Kurt R Stenmark, Robin Shandas, H Jerry Qi: A microstructurally driven model for pulmonary artery tissue. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 05/2011; 133(5):051002. Philip H Kao, Steven R Lammers, Kendall Hunter, Kurt R Stenmark, Robin Shandas, H Jerry Qi: Constitutive Modeling of Anisotropic Finite-Deformation Hyperelastic Behaviors of Soft Materials Reinforced by Tortuous Fibers. The international journal of structural changes in solids : mechanics and applications. 04/2010; 2(1):19-29. Kendall S Hunter, Joseph A Albietz, Po-Feng Lee, Craig J Lanning, Steven R Lammers, Stephen H Hofmeister, Philip H Kao, H Jerry Qi, Kurt R Stenmark, Robin Shandas: In vivo measurement of proximal pulmonary artery elastic modulus in the neonatal calf model of pulmonary hypertension: development and ex vivo validation. Journal of Applied Physiology 04/2010; 108(4):968-75.

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